San Diego Credit Restoration Lawyer
An Overview of Credit Restoration Methods
Bankruptcy is an effective tool for eradicating your outstanding debt, but it can come with the disadvantage of causing damage to your credit. At San Diego Legal Pros, we have more than a decade of experience, and we are fully aware of the benefits to be had in filing for bankruptcy, but we also understand that the bankruptcy process does have certain ramifications. We can provide information and help in pursuing credit restoration methods that have the result of an improved financial situation. Do not hesitate to reach out to a San Diego bankruptcy attorney at our firm who will help you decide what methods are best suited to restoring the health of your credit.
Schedule your free consultation with our team by calling us at (888) 875-9190.
Aside from the natural impact to your credit that you may experience following bankruptcy, you may also experience "bad credit" issues that come from incorrect credit information posting and reporting. Frequently, creditors will fail to report important credit information that comes with debt forgiveness after a bankruptcy. This failure may be accidental, or it may be deliberate, but the end result is the significant damage of your credit, which can lead to problems such as being unable to obtain a loan without very high-interest rates.
Requirements for Creditors
Creditors, and credit agencies such as Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, are bound by laws dictating the proper reporting of credit information.
These laws state that they are required to:
- Report credit information in an accurate manner
- Investigate any credit information that has been disputed
- Desist from holding onto negative credit information for an inordinate amount of time
- Provide individuals with comprehensive credit information, when it is requested
If you feel that your credit has been damaged by the violation of one of the above rules, it is strongly recommended that you seek the help of an attorney who can work towards reversing the damage that has been caused to you.
If your credit has been damaged in the aftermath of your bankruptcy proceedings,
contact San Diego Legal Pros for credit restoration techniques.